What is FATCA? And How Does it Affect Me?


Our tax filing services help U.S. expats and residents of the United States living inside and outside America to file taxes yearly. Our MENA offices are qualified to advise you on the international standards that need to be followed when filing from outside the U.S., what paperwork you should submit and what you should expect in terms of exemptions and taxes.

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    Signing the Tax Forms

    My Bank Is Sending My Info To The IRS!

    FATCA is an agreement that requires all financial institutions in participating countries to submit the personal information of any clients who are U.S. Persons to the IRS. This is required to help the American government combat tax evasion outside of the U.S. If the bank asks for this information we recommend you contact us immediately to evaluate your current status with the IRS.

    U.S. Tax Filing

    Registered With The I.R.S

    Our organization is registered with the I.R.S. which allows us to handle all your tax needs directly without the need for any third parties or go-betweens. Our licensed professionals take care of everything for you.